What is a brand?
You want to create a business and you know that building your brand identity is essential. But what exactly is a brand?
It may be easier to state what a brand is not; many people need clarification on this term. A brand is not a product you buy; it’s not a logo or a set of impressions. The brand represents how a business is perceived in the eyes of the customers. It is created by customers and the impressions they share. They decide what a particular brand is and how it’s perceived. Every customer has their feelings and an idea of a specific brand. If we look at it this way, it could be understood that there are as many brands of a single company as people perceive it.While it is true that a brand is, in a way, created by customers, it doesn’t mean you should be a passive observer when it comes to your brand. You should gradually create your world and bring ideas to reality through strategic planning and research. Building a brand identity is a process called branding, and it represents steps in building a company’s image.
Brand identity
One of the first questions you should ask yourself should be: why am I here? What do I wish to accomplish? And that is how we get to another significant term when it comes to establishing a brand – and that is brand identity. You should create a solid and consistent brand identity to achieve a successful brand recognized and trusted by your audience. Brand identity is your foundation. It is your bricks and mortar, your meat and potatoes. It’s created by defining a culture and values your company should hold and then observing your competition and your place on the market. In other words, first focus on what is happening inside your company and then what is happening outside (on the market).
Culture and Values: The tone you set in your company is essential, and you can only benefit from paying attention to how your employees perceive the company. Create a connection and mutual understanding with your employees, and make sure to provide a comfortable and productive work environment. The company’s spirit will be directly affected by the core values established inside the company itself. Therefore, when it comes to values, a company aligns its values with customers who should relate to them.
It clearly states the purpose you wish to fulfil as a company and communicates your objectives to the audience. It’s not a definite state but should rather be redefined and readapted over time.
Competition and Market
Once you know your purpose and what you wish for the company to achieve, do a competition analysis. It means extensive research on the market state and companies in the same line of business. By observing your competitors, you can learn from them and apply what is suitable to your business model. Also, observe your position on the market -not where it is standing right now, but rather where it should stand in the next couple of years.sh to fulfil as a company and communicates your objectives to the audience. It’s not a definite state but should rather be redefined and readapted over time.
Ask yourself: Who is my target audience and which emotion do I wish to evoke in my customers? This question is essential in creating strategies for promoting and advertising. The marketing team in charge has to know who the target audience is for the brand or specific products. To connect with your customers, you first have to understand what their drive and needs are.
What can QuillTZ Consulting do for you?
To create a strong brand identity, you should have a clear image of what the company tends to achieve and clarify who the intended audience is that the message aims to engage with. The branding process also includes the creative phase in which the designing team decides on the company’s logo, colour palette, font families, and so on.
And this is where QuillTZ Consulting jumps in. So, while we work on this, you can just relax and enjoy!
Author: Andjelija Randjelov